Strong cramping and positive pregnancy test - February 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2025)

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Hi ladies,

I’m 3 days over due and had a positive home test. But I’m cramping so bad I’ve never had that before in early pregnancies. I used to cramp this bad just before period start day before I had my kids.

And I’m having it again, feels like I’ll start my period but it’s not happening and I keep on cramping really strong. Has anybody had that? And what happened?

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I just got my BFP yesterday and have been cramping like crazy for over a week - I thought I was going to get my period, because it felt just like PMS. Based on everything I’ve read, it’s normal!

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Yes i had the same thing. I almost had to pull over when driving at one point because the cramps were so bad they were making me nauseous from pain. I expected to see blood every time I went to the bathroom but the cramping settled down after like three days and never had any spotting or bleeding

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I have light to moderate cramping happening. I called my doc and she sent me in for a blood test. I'll go again in two days.

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This has made me feel so much more at ease!!! I am 4w5d and have had horrible cramps for over a week! My other half ended up taking me to the ER and they couldn’t do much aside from bloods as I was too early for an US. Head back for bloods today so fingers crossed my blood reads over 1500 and they can check what’s going on in there.


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Thank you for your replies ladies. So what I thought was pregnancy related cramps were actually really severe gastric pains. I was taken into the hospital last night in an ambulance because I was in agony, my back was killing and had stomachs cramps as well. I wasn’t able to sit up, stand or lay down. Apparently I had trapped gas �� they did blood tests and then gave me paracetamol in a drip to get rid of the pain and then I was able to go home this morning. Hope you’re all doing well x

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Hello this time last year I had a miscarriage and today two days before my periods due I got two positive pregnancy tests amazing but then all day I’ve had awful cramps exactly like my period?! I’m worried it’s another miscarriage?! Any advice will I just wait until periods due as now worried could be false positive??

Thank you!

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if you had a pos preg test, call your doc. Good luck!

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I had terrible cramping when I got my positive. Like, I was sure I was seconds away from my period. It lasted until I was about 7 weeks too. But I’m now almost 26 weeks with a healthy baby! So it wasn’t a bad sign for me. I even had some spotting around 6 and a half weeks and everything was fine. Best of luck to you xx

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Strong cramping and positive pregnancy test - February 2019 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (57)


That’s literally why I was so shocked when I found out I was pregnant. I put off taking a test for a week because I was cramping like I usually do before a period. I was even using a heating pad!!!

Nope. Baby ❤️

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I literally had horrible cramps in early pregnancy. They were very painful and I kept thinking I was going to miscarry. They subsided around 8 weeks? As long as you aren’t bleeding everything is likely fine.

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