The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

THE COURIER JOURNAL TUESDAY, JAN. 7, 1975 14 NOVA, 197? or Ford XL, 1970. Both with air. automatic, power brakes and steering. Sell either below book vaiue.

425-6032 or 589-612L NOVA, 1970. 2 door automatic, V-8. Retail S1600, now $1195 or CENTURY" MOBILE LIVING 4911 Dixie Hgwy. 448-0683 CEE JAE TRAVEL LAND 4020 Dixie Hgwy. Shively 448-2562 1972.

28 low mileaoe, many extras. 935-1197, 937-2910. COMPANION to elderly ladv, live in, light housekeeping and cookina in exchange tor private room and board. Apply in writing wth references to F319 Care C.J -Times. COMPUTER Operators, minimum 1 year experience on I BAA 360, 370, using OS.

Call 458-29 5 5 for appointment. Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Ky. 3101 Bardstown Rd. Equal opportu ACCOUNTANT FEE PAID. Top notch position for person with some experience.

J12.000 un to start. ALLESON'S Personnel 454-5130 ACCOUNTING Systems Analyst; 13-16M; experience in siandard cost systems. Prefer CPA background. Degree FEE PAID. 583-1751.

ACCREDIT PERSONNEL, RIVER CITY ACCOUNTING CLERK $450 Fee Paid. Experience with r. lnI2 SWT Automobile For Sola 27 FORD 1972, Grand Torino, 2 door, green in color, vinyl top, rad.o, facrorv air, power steering, power brakes, call or see Mike Berry. NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN Dixie Hgwv 448-6666 FORD 1973, Galaxie 500, 4 door sedan, V8, cruise-o-matic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, sharp! Only 41895. BYERLY FORD 4Ti Dixie Hgwv.

448-1661 "FORD 1970, LTD, 4 loor: hard-Ion, dark green with V8, automatic, power steerina, only byerly ford 4P41 Dixie Hgwv. 448-1661 "FORD 1973, Galaxie 500 4 door, V8, automatic, power steering, power air, it's sharp and only $1895. BYERLY FORD PONTIAC 1973 Grnd Prix, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air condtionpd, power windows, vinyl (od, $3795. BLUE GRASS LINCOLN MERCURY 4301 Shelbyville Rd. 895-4231 PONTIAC 1968 GTO, vinyl top, looks and runs good, $975.

MIDWAY AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Rd. 459-8250 PONTIAC 1970 LeMans, 2 door, V-8, air, power, $1375. MIDWAY AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Rd. 459-250 PONTIAC 1967, 3 seat wagon, air, power, $595. JIM PEARL AUTO SALES Critjendenpr.

Huron 368-1331 PONTIAC Chieftain, 1958, 2 door, hardtoo, .6,000 miles, 1Q00 Call 452-6672. REBEL, 1968 2 door hardtop, snarp, already financed, balance only $593.07. Dealer 361- 13 "ROADRUNNER, 1969, runs good, new $200 transmission, 6 3 6-27 4 8 Headers, L60-14'5, sprints, $950. SATE I 1972. Fully equipped, must seM458-7022.

THUNDERBIRD 1973, blue with white top and interior, it's loaded, cruise, power, and air, tape player and all for only $4695. BYERLY FORD 4041 Dixie Hgwy 448-1661 THUNDERBIRD 1974, equipped with most factory luxury features, extra sharp, $5595, BLUE GRASS LINCOLN MERCURY 4301 Shelbyville Rd. 895-4232 THUNDERBIRD 1970, loaded, $1895. BARNEY'S 3501 S. 7th 367-1735 THUNDERBIRD 1973, low mileage, extra clean, private owner.

5S7-0789. TORINO 1971 Ford Sports" hardtop, V8 4 speed transmission, power brakes, steering, and seats, am-fm stereo, rear window spoiler, special $1795. SAM POTTINGER FORD At OXMOOR 426-2500 TORINO 1969, automatic, power steering, radio, heater, Auto, 3914 S. 7th. TORONADO, 1973, Custom, loaded, air, roof, new car trade, clean $3687.

JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th 583J68L VEGA 1972 Station waqon, 4 speed, one owner, 19,700 miles, red, buy now at our year end Sale and save WILHELMI'S DOUGLAS AMERICAN J240! Bardstown Rd. 454-3615 VEGA 1974 Hatchback, 4 speed, maroon. S1995. 935-9415. VEGA 1974 GT, for sale.

Call 96-387. GOOD BUYS 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass coupe, bucket SQl'i seats 3 1971 OPEL Ka- dett, gas saver, SlOflfl low mileage I cUU 1 9 6 8 BARRACUDA, automat- SOCfl ic, V8, good buy. OJU 1969 PONTIAC Bonneville, air, $775 power, vinyl top I I 1 9 6 7 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, STCfl runs good I JU 1969 CHEVELLE Malibu, 2 door, $11 Eft V8, air, power I I JU 1963 METEOR, 474-1534. oeaior. OLDSMOBILE, 1974.

Luxury Coupe, That's new. See It. Has loads of G.M. accessories, miles cost $7431. Now $4395 1973 Cutlass $2985 Snort Coupe, air conditioned, all accessories.

No. 891. 1971 Delta $1395 Yes, air, and all power. Brown Bros. 917 V.

Broadway Vj Block Sears Dial 583-6501 "IJL. OLDSMOBILE 1971, Delta 88. 4 door, full power, factory air, I extra clean, $195; Large selection of 1970 tnrough 1974 Olds-mobiles at unheard of lew prices. Before you buy a car anywhere see us and save. COME WHERE THE ACTION IS! KENTUCKY'S LARGEST TRI CITY OLDS 3920 Dutchmans Watterson X-Way at Breckinridge Ln.

897-6541 OLDSMOBILE 1971 (981 Luxury sedan. A local cne owner that's iust like new from bumper to bumper, all power, factory air, and is sure to pass vour closest inspection. Now iust S2195. After small down payment or equity in vour present car, vour balance can be financed at low bank rates. Always 75 clean completely winterized used cars to choose from.

PERKINS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2105 Dixie Hgwv. OLDSMOBILE 1971 Cutlass, coupe, white, with dark blue vinyl top, new tires, nicely equipped, factory air, sharp, save; $1995. DON CORLETT I VOLKSWAGEN 3718 a rf own Rd, 459 -A 44 OLDSMOBILE 1970 442, coupe, qreen, new tires, black vuiyl too, factory air, otner extras, snarp, jis'o. DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN 3718 Bardstown Rd. 459-4444 OLDSMOBILE 1972, Delta Roy-ale 4 door, gold with matching interior, automatic, power, factory air, in excellent condition throughout, compare at S2097.

OPEN SUNDAY 12-4 BURNS MOTORS Bardstown Rd. 451-7574 OLDSMOBILE; 1972, 98 Luxury Sedan; full power, factory air, one owner, new car trade in; GMAC terms available. CLAPP OLDSMOBILE 301 W. Court Ave. Jeffersonville.

Ind. 282-9559 OLDSMOBILE 1971, 442, sport hardtop, V8, automatic transmission, power plus factory air conditioning; must see. SAM POTTINGER FORD At OX MOOR 426-2500 OLDSMOBILE, 1973, Delta 88 Royal, 2 door hardtop, air conditioned, power, AM-FM, vinyl roof, will take N'DA wholesale a I lbv VBi "OLDSMOBILE 1968, Delta 81, fine shape, already financed, lov pavmpnts, balance S496.27. Dealer 361-0131 "OLDSMOBILE 1970, 98. hardtop, air, power, clean, $1200.

AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Rd. 459-8250 OLOSMOBILE, 1971, by owner, 4 door 98 hardtop, new steel belted radials, mint condition, $599.5. 895-6274. OLDSMOBILE, 1973 Cl'tlass, 2-donr hardtop, S3200 582-4530 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

OLD5MOBILE 1973 Delta 88. 4 door hardtop, air conditioned, all power. $1750. 964-8101. OLDSMOBILE "1974 Cutlass Salon coupe, all power, air, am-fm.

425-5858 evenings. OLDSMOBILE, 1969 Cutiass 4 door, good shape, $475. 933-2612. PiNTO 1974, wagon, dark b.ue, luggage rack, radio, factory air conditioning, whitewall tires, call or see Paul Mattingly. NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN 4926 Dixie Hgwy 448-6666 PINTO 1973 Coupe, dark blue, 4 spend, 16,000 miles, excellent condition, save, $1795.

DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN 3718 Bardstown Rd. 459-4444 PINTO 1974 Wagon and 3 door Runabouts, 9 to choose from, in stock since new; have very few miles, automatic, air, balance of new car warranty. S2J95. BILL COLLINS FORD 3.10Bard:.iqwn RcL 459-50 "PINTO 1971, blue, 4 speed, ex-" celient condition, save at ojr year e.iu sale. VVILHELMI'S DOUGLAS AMERICAN 2.101 Bard'-town Rd.

454-3615 PLYMOUTH 1973 Fury III. 4 door sedan, black gold, wilh matching interior, and a gold vinyl roof, equipped with air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, radio, white wall tires and wheel -overs. See at DERBY, for 5,2497.34. DERBY CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 4128 Bardstown Rd. 459-9660 PLYMOUTH 1971 Fury III, 2 door hardtop, VB automatic transmission, power steering, factory air conditioning, one owner special $li95 SAM POTTINGER FORD At OXMOOR 426-2500 PLYMOUTH Satellite, 1971, automatic transmisssion.

Factory Air and power steering. Excellent condition. Leaving country. $1600; 239-6886. PLYMOUTH 1973, Duster, 340, red with black interior, low January price.

$1895. Call 634-4880. Dealer. Plymouth 1973 Satellite Sebring, white; excellent condition. AHer 5jj0 p.m., 238-7234.

PLYMOUTH 1972 6 cylinder, stick, low mileage, i-un TiaC 196 Tempest, door, power steering, factory air, ideal 2nd car, $695. COME WHERE THE ACTION IS! KENTUCKY'S LARGEST TRI CITY OLDS 3'20 Dutchmans Ln. Watterson X-Way at Breckenridge Ln. 897-6541 PONTIAC 1974 LeMans Sport, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic transmission, power plus factory air conditioning, bucket seats, vinyl roof, many more extras, $3495. SAM POTTINGER FORD At OXMOPR PONTIAC 1968, Bonneville" Coupe, automatic, power, air, clean $387.

JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th 8, Breckjnridge 83631 PONfiAC 1969, ONLY S495, Bonneville super n-ce, extras. YEAR SERVICE WARRANTY CIRCUS AUTO SALFS 3rd Kentucky 584237 PONTIAC 1968. Le Mans, 6 cylinder, automatic, power, gas saver $487. JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th 8, Breckinridge 583-3681 PONTIAC 1966, Tempest, runs, at $137. JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th Breckinridge 583-3681 PONTIAC 1970, Catalina 9 "bas-senn-r waqon, air, si 175.

MIDWAY AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Rd. 459-8250 Automobiles SELECT CHEVROLET, 1965. 1 ton panel, in good condition, S875; 1967 Chevrolet, ton pickup, good condition. $75; 1969 Ford Econoline, good condition, S75. Call 969-2328.

CHEVROLET 1974" El Camino Classic, V8, radio, one owner, traded on new Ford, Special, $3295. SAM POTTINGER FORD At OXMOOR 426-2500 CHEVROLET 1973, lona wide bed, 6 automatic, red and extra clean JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th Breckinridge 583 3691 CHEVROLET 1974. 34 ton Chey enne Super 20, power steering, brakes; air, dual tanks, topper, stereo. S4750 361-3333. CHEVROLET 1963, walkin van, runs good, $445.

WRIGHT'S AUTO SALES 751GradeLn. 361-9469 CHEVROLET 1958 Pickup; motor overhauled; $425. 935- 7103. CHEVROLET 1970, live tanderrf dump, 427 engine, 502-935-6101. CHEVROLET El Camino 1959.

Call 778-3184. CHE VROLETS. We Always have a big selection of good used trucks. DOUBLEMONT CHEVROLET 5340 Dixie Hgwy. 1-502-48-2820 "DODGE 1973 D100 i ton pickup, long wheel base, 8 foot bed, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, Adventurer Sport package, sliding rear window, step bumper, AM radio, (one owner, low miles), $2995.

ST. MATTHEWS DODGE, 4136 ShelbyvMIe Rd. 897-1831. DODGE 1970 "VlOO, ton van, 225 cubic inch engine, 6 cylinder engine, stick transmission, AM radio, (one owner), $1495. ST.

MATTHEWS DODGE, 4136 Shelbyville Rd.897-1831. D0DGE," 1969," Sports Van, 6 cylinder, automatic, shag interior, A-l Shape, mags, $1495. 368-6277. ECONOLINE van, 1967, runs aC.lpqksjjreat,$W5JB?i-83p3i FORD 1972, C700 Tilt cab chassis for 24 ft. bed.

361 V8, 5 and 2 speed extra clean I NORMAN TRUCK SALES J4th Broadway 582-3346 FORD 1970, 34 ton, Sport custom, V8 automatic, A-l condition, long wide bed, 11 other trucks and vans to choose from. LEON COULTER'S SUPER AUTO SALES 1428 W. Broadway 587-7868 FORD 1973, V8, 4 speed, dual wheels, 25,000 miles, the hard 10 find Kind, only S2895. BYERLY FORD 4041 Djxie JHgwy 448-1661 FORD 1972 F100, Vj ten pickup" with Custom cat, small V8, 3 speed transmission, Stvleside bed, AM radio and step bumper, $2195. AMC EAST 8107 Shelbyville Rd.

426-1200 FORD 1972 E200 Window van, 8 automatic transmission, power steering, radio, Craqar wheels wide tires. Love van Special, Must see. SAM POTTINGER FORD At OXMOOR 426-2500 1972, XLT, power and" air, like new, $2695 10 other trucks to choose from BARNEY'S 367-1735 FORD 1973, pickup, white, 4 speed, the price is right! $2295. BYERLY FORD 4041 Dixie Hgwy. 448-1661 FORD 1973, 34 ton Econoline van, small V8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, AM radio, (sharp), $2895.

ST. MATTHEWS DODGE, 4134 i helbyville Rd. 897-1831. FORD 1971 ton pickup, long bed, V8 and radio, sharp, S1895. "WINNIE" SIERS AUTO SALES 11608 Shelbyville Rd.

245-0206 FORD 1974 Ranchero, Brand Newl full power and air, $300 under dealer cost. PRESTON FORD MERCURY La Grange, Ky. 222-1471 FORD, 1973 F600. with 20 ft." aluminum box, overhead and side door, 8,000 miles, like new. individual owned.

228-8825. FORD 1974 250, 11 ton pick up, 360 v8, 4 speed, radio, heater, pipe racks and tool box, miles, $3795. 452-6737. FORD, Econoline, van, 1974, 302 automatic, power steering, low mileage. 968-7367.

FORD 1974 F100 Ranger, 7,500 miles, v8, power steerina. Call 964-2523. FORD, ElOO" Van, 1974. Automatic, 6 cylinder, only 600 miles. $3275.

425-9243. FORD, 1968. Excellent" lion, 776-4972 or 945 1632. GMC 1973, ton wideside pickup camper special power brakes, steering, automatic transmission, buckets seats, air conditioning 348-6482. INTERNATIONAL 1968, v2 ton, flat bed dump.

New paint! NORMAN TRUCK SALES 14th 8. Broadway sal-nu INTERNATIONAL Pickup, 1969. V-8, 4-specd, $850. 368-0337. JEEP, 1948; good condition, S900 DePauw, 633-4615, MACKS, 1968 dump (7) DM 811SX, 250 h.p.

engines, 20 speeds, 55,000 pound rears, 14' bodies, 16 yard bodies, excellent condition. Can deliver. BRANDYWINE AUTO SALES Brandywine, Md. 301-377-6H22 RANCHARO 1973, 500, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes and air, it's gold in color and a one owner, see and drive for only $2895. BYERLY FORD 4041 Dixie Hgwy 448-1661 TOYOTA 1973 Hi-Lux pickup, automatic, radio, fibreglas topper, only 10,000 miles, S2495.

BROADWAY CHEVROLET 717 W. Broadway 582-2531 TRAILER, tandem Lowbov, 25 ton Dorsey ton Dorsey, $3000. Implement bed, 18' Henderson, with winch, $1450. Robert Wal-fher, Lanesville, Ind. 812-952- 2072.

WHITE 1969 335 Cummins twin screw sleeper, 8 new recaps, new paint, excellent condition. $7,500 cash or will take late model car as equity. Take over payments. Balance $4,951.13. Call 538-6543.

WRECKER, 1967 GMC 2V2 ton, deluxe cab, 500 Holmes, nice, $5995. 893-3142, 969-6527. WRECKERS, Holmes, all sizes, new and used. W. L.

Shuck Equipment Co. 943 S. 6th St. 584-5255 VANS, TRUCK, TRACTORS 1972 CHEVROLET ton ptckup with camper top V8 3 speed 1970 DODGE D200 cabin chassis 6 cylinder 3 speed 190 FORD E200 Van, V8 3 speed 1971 FORD F350 cabin chassis 6 cylinder 4 speed TRACTORS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS New ton pickup as low as S2989 HAPPY NEW YEAR BUD GMC, INC. 4330 POPLAR, LEVEL ROAD 459-1200 Truck, Trailer, JIM BOOHER T-491, 74 El CAMINO SS list Price $5134 70 T149, 75 LUV Pickup List Price $3663 15 112, 75 ton pickup list Price $5827 30.

T-103, 75 BIAZER list Price $7958 T-143 75 SUBURBAN List Price $6916.90. TRUCK HEADQUARTERS FORD 1969 T-800, Tandom, 18 ft. insulated van body with Thermoking unit, excellent condition $4445. FORD 1970, F600, 18 ft. van overhead roof, power lift gate, low mileage, $3195.

KENWORTH, 1969 tractor, sleeper cab, 250 Cummins engine with kit. Tandom axle, extra sharp, $10950. FORD 1971, W-9000, NHC 250 Cummins engine, sleeper, 10 speed transmission, extra good throughout $10750. Choice of 2. IHC 1971, V8 engine, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear axle, 24 ft.

moving van body with 9 ft. attic, A-l condition, $4495 60 other nice units to choose from "Large or small we have them SUMMERS HERRMANN FORD 930 S. 2nd St. ACROSS FROM HOLIDAY INN 589-3750, Ext. 250 DUMP TRUCKS WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Semi dumps to haul coal.

Permanent year-round work. Call Rose Brothers Trucking Co Terre Haute, (8121-877-1 565. DUMP TRUCKS 3 tri-axle Ford dump trucks, one International tri-axle dump, 5 Mack tractors, and trailers, flat beds. 812-824-4081. 1969 Chevrolet, 12 ft.

step van. 1968 IHC, 10 ft. metro 1969 FORD, Pickup 1972 CHEVROLET, ton van JEFFERSON GARAGE 713 W. Market 582-2834 INTERNATIONAL AK ba I LK 1300 WLWaijiut 5853313 FOR SALE, old trucks, junk and running. 301 Seneca St.

OOA Recreational ZVA Vehicles MDIOK IIOMI.S CLARKSVIUE MOBILE HOME MART 1403 Eastern Blvd Clarksville, Ind. 945-9156 MOI'OR HOMhS AMF SKAMPER AIRSTREAM ARGOSY How much better can you be? Ntw Albany. Ind 945-1173 Opn Weekday! till I Saturday! till 6 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Why settle for less than the best? Let us show you how you can afford a Holiday NEW FREE SPIRIT 24 ft tandem, completely equipped, S3895 00DYEAR MOIIlfltOrWS 1608 10th St Winnebago. Factory Authorized SALES SERVICE AOTOR HOME MINI HOMH SPECIALIST 4673 Di.i. Hgwy.

4413 8702 TRAVEL QUEEN 1974 luxury model, 26 totally self-contained, built-in vacuum, blan-! der, color television; automatic hydraulic leveling system. Lots of extras. Retail price, was $19,000, selling for S14.500 or best offer. 5C0O miles. Must sell.

Call 228-3108. TOPPERS $159.95 Direct from manufacturer, 8(1 sizes and doors, lined and insulated from toppers for small trucks, fibreglas for El Camino and Ranchero. COLE INDUSTRIES 11800 Dixie Hawv. 35-3403 TOPPERS, $159.95 Largest selection in city. Trucks, campers 8 to 11 ft.

New 11 only $2695. Travel Trailer Winter Sale. New 23 ft, tandem $3495. BILL'S CAMPERS, TRAILERS 20O8 7th St. 636 I770 TOPPERS $159.95 All aluminum, colors, sizes Truck campers, new $895 Travel and Tent trailers CAMPERS NEW FRONTIER 06 Dixie Hgwy.

448-7892 KdUNTRY-AI RE-ARABIAN GLOBESTAR INVADER TRAILERAMA 5 miles east of Kennedy Bridge. 4014 State Rd. 62 E. 262-5529 JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. 1973 Aristocrat, 1 8 -2 ft.

tandem axle, 6 sleeper, all the extras. Trailer used iust 3 times. Showroom new. Save a $1000. kAMPING CENTER 288-9M8 10th St.

Jeffersonville FOR RENT VACATION TRAILERS CHARLIE'S 447-1752 SALES AND SERVICE WINNEBEGO 1972, 28 loaded, top of line; sold new for asking $14,500. Will negotiate. 245-7302. Drive a Lithe, save I KEN DUTSCHKE WINNEBAGO Eliabethtovn. Ky 50? 765 4128 SI ARCRAFT Colin Trailer Sales New Salisbury.

Ind. 166 CI REDBUD CAMPER SALES 5th Wheel Trailers, Motor Homes, Auxiliary Gas Tanks installed. 4042 S. Preston 366131" TOPPERS, factory direct to you. Pike Camper Manufacturing 3645 Cane Run Rd.

778 8862 CLOSE OUT SALE, tops, campers, new cr used. Campers 3002. Dixie 4I7 6868 HriCLS YOU UN QUARTEPS 8538 Dixie Hgwy. 937-1966 Equipment 28 CHEVROLET JBC PRICE M25800 s337500 s485500 s6975oo s582500 FIAT, 1973, 124 Soider, red with black too. low mileage, 5 speed, AM-FM radio, convertible, full price $3395.

MONARCH LINCOLN-MERCURY 110 E. Broadway FIAT 1971 Spider convertible, solid green finish, priced to sell, $1395. SAM POTTINGER FOP ALOXMOOR 426-2 500 JAGUAR Classic 4 door sedan, 1967, 3 8S, silver, black, automatic with overdrive; excellent condition. $2,950 or best offer. Serious inquiries only, 451-7891.

luxury tan interior; air; all power; stereo-radio; S700 under MERCEDES Benz, 1971, 280SE7 best offr. 245-3164 after t. MGB, 1973, AM-FM, overdrive. orange, $3195. 425-9835.

OPEL 1969, GT, unusually sharp, $1695. JEFF HARVEY SALE 5812 SJth 634j989 OPEL 1970 GT, excellent condition. Call 587-6659 or after 6 p.m., 451-3316. OPEL CADET 1968, really clean, low miles. $695.

4M-4M8, PORSCHE 1974, one demo and one new, NOW at last January prices. Coupe, 5 speed, green metallic. Coupe, Sportomatic, copper metallic. Never again at these prices. Hurry! DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUDI 741 S.

3rd PORSCHE 1970 911T Coupe Conda green with black interior, 5 speed transmission, excellent condition. DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUDI 741 S. 3rd 589-9126 "SAAB 1970, models, 4 speed, AM-FM stereo, very low mileage, $1450. COOKE PONTIAC 809 So. 5th 589-7040 SUNBEAM, 1967, 3 tops, $600.

Ibl-mia or 767-842 TOYOTA 1971 Mark II, 2 door coupe, green metallic with reclining bucket seats, 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, tinted glass and AM radio, $1395. AMC EAST 8107 ShelbyvilleRdJ 426-1200 TOYOTAT969, 4 spee, a radio, heater, sale price $695. Credit terms. 968-6101 FOURTH STREET AUTO 5J09 Preston at Gilrnore Lane TOYOTA 1969, Corolla, automatic transmission, runs and drives perfect, already financed, low payments $987.26. Dealer 361-0131.

TOYOTA, 1973, Carina, like NEW, DIAMOND AUTO SALES 2011 Charlestown New Albany, 948-9221. TOYOTA Celica 1973," like new," 13,600 miles, white, black vinyl roof, $2895. 491-0813. TRIUMPH 6 1974 Doctor's car, 7,000 miles, in warranty, AM-FM radio, air, luggage rack, extras. Call 585-4562 between 9 and 10 a.m., TRIUMPH 1964 TR4, a seal at $795 DARNELL'S, 901 W.

Broadway. VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Sedan, light blue, radio, 5 new radial tires, stock no. 9889, 100 Warranty, special $1995. DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN 3718 Bardstown Rd. 459-4444 VOLKSWAGEN 1974, Sedan, blue finish, radio, white walls, stock no.

9882, $2495. DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN J718BflrdstownJRd. 45JM444 VOLKSWAGEN W63 Bug, blue finish with leatherette interior, economical 4 cylinder, 4 speed transmission, ideal 2nd car for only AMC EAST 8'07 Shelbyville Rd. 426-1200 VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Bug, beautiful blue finish with leatherette interior, economical 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, $1195. AMC EAST 8107 Shelbyville Rd, 426-1200 VOLKSWAGEN 1971 convertible, One owner and nice; city's best Volkswagen buy at $1440.

KOSTER SWOPE BUICK 3700 FRANKFORT AVE. 895-2457 VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Super Beetle, radio, good buy, $1675. MIDWAY AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Rd. 459 8250 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. BUS, ONLY S695.

Mint condition. CIRCUS AUTO SALES 3rd Kentucky 584-5237 VOLKSWAGEN, 1973, type 3 Squareback sedan, very clean, low low mileage, price very reasonable, but firm, 454-7041. VOLKSWAGEN, 1970 Square-back, automatic, 1 owner. 968-5567. VOLKSWAGEN, 1966 Bus, rebuilt engine, bad body.

$650. 361-5350. VOLKSWAGEN TdIO, runs good. Must sell, moving. $200.

491-3133. VOLKSWAGEN 1974 Super Beetle, air, yellow, perlect S2550. 491-8753. VOLKSWAGEN," 1968, low miles, reasonable. 222-1265.

VOLKSWAGEN 1974, Super Beatle, like new.Call 367-7324. VOLKSWAGEN, 1968, rebuilt engine, $725; 448-90C8. VOLKSWAGEN 1961, clean, runs nood; FM radio. 896-0298 VOLKSWAGEN 1964, private owner. 215-1416 VOLVO 142E, 1972 with AM-FAA stereo, low mileage, excellent condition.

426-1839. VOLVO 1972, automatic, below book price, 456-1095, USED CAR SALE 1974 FIAT 124 Spider, like new 1974 MERCEDES 280 white 174 "Oi VO 4 door automatic 1973 TRIUMPH TR 6 green 19 '1 FIAT, 128 station wagon 1973 FIAT 124 Coupe 1973 MERCEDES 220 loaded 1972 MERCEDES 280SE 4.5 1972 A7ERCEDES. 280SE white 1972 280SE 4.5 1971 FIAT, 850' Spider blue SPECIAL Ten 1973 FIAT 124 automatic Sedans. These are rental cars, specially priced. TAFEL MOTORS H39 East Braodway at Campbell (502) 584-4305 VOLKSWAGEN ST.

MATTHEWS Has all kinds of used cars, Imports and Domestics. Shfihvvijle Rd, 897 5151 COME riUR NEW ADDITIONS! SAAR AND SUBARU GRAND PRIX MOTORS 633" Uooer River Rd. 8323. USED VOLKSWAGEN NEIL HUFFMAN, VW, INC. 4926 Dixie Hqwy.

448-6666 Trucks, Trailers, 2.0 Equipment BRONCO, 1971, V-8, 4 wheel drive, excellent condition, $2300 267-536. CHEVROIIT CHEVROLET and CMC 1973 and 1974 vant to chooi from All hov automatic trammiitien power lring powor brokoi 13 fool bodiot. dual roar whocli orfoet for comport, contractors and dolrvor units tradol accopt od. pncod from SaH PONTIACHONDA 431 1 Shttbyvill. Ud 895 2431 NOBODY WALKS AWAY1 CHEVROLET 1973 TITAN 90.

Excellent condition, low miles, Ready to go! DH 9233, Detroit 3'8, 65 MM 13 speed, 4 33. rear axle, 36" sleeper; many extras. i JBC PRICE $19,950. JJMBOOHERCHEV. 895-5481 CHE VROLET 1970 ton pick-" 1 ud.

radio, heater, automatic, 1 small V8, priced to sell, bank I terms, 17 other pickups in stock. I COLGATE AUTO SALES 3300 Taylor Blvd 367-8818 CHEVROLET 1964, Step Van, looks, runs and drives extra good, compare for only $587. OPEN SUNDAY 12 4. BURNS MOTORS 2420 Bardstown Rd. 451-7574 CHEVROLET 1968, '2 ton pickup, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, beautiful white finish, sale price $995.

Credit terms. 968-6101. FOURTH STREET AUTO 5109 Preston at Gilrnore Lane CHEVROLET 1968, 3i ton pickup, solid red, V8, excellent condition inside and out, must see. OPEN SUNDAY 12-4. BURNS MOTORS 2420 Bardstown Rd.

451-7574 -n Motorcycles, OU Scooters ACCESSORIES MOT AC Inc. 2530 Frankfort Ave. 895-1478 "WE'VE MOVED! to 245( Bardstown Rd. HARLEY DAVIDSON OF LOUISVILLE good used motorcycles, drastically reduced. If vou are ever going to buy a new or used bike, you will never beat these prices.

Open for offers. 15o off Sale, parts and accessor i this month onlv. HONDA, YAA1AH TRIUMPH, PENTON AND HUSQVARNA. Greenrose Sports Center 907 Spring St. Jeffersonville, Ind.

282-8229 KAWASAKI 1974, 750 one owner, with all the extras, only 880 miles, factory warrant ty, this bike is like new in every way SAVE! SAVE! PERKINS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2105 Dixie Hgwy. 774-4481 MOTORCYCLES, two 1971, 750 Hondas, $995 each; 1974 Norton 850, $995. 451-9084. Dealer. SERVICE SPECIAL One day service, big discounts Get your street or race bike ready for the spring season.

Pickup and delivery service. MOTO EAST 1216 Bardstown Rd. 451-4365. ALL of our prices are competitive with any ad in this paper. Come by and let us show you how it pays to buy locally.

Open on Wed. and Thurs. nights till 8 p.m. for your convenience till Christmas. CYCLES 1319 Emery Ln.

2 miles from Louisville on US 460 toward New Albany. 44-6 795 TINSLEY'S HONDA CENTER Check our special prices on 1974 and 1975 models. Tune up Special for the month of 25 discount. 7915 Shelbyville Rd. 426 2531 CYCLES; Kawasaki Mini Bikes, Mini Cycles; parts, clothing and accessories.

Fink's Sales and Service Inc. 202 W. Main, New Albany, Ind. 944-7741 MAICO, 250, 1974, excellent shape, many extras, raced 3 times. Must sell.

Make offer. 425-6300. HONDA OF LOUISVILE All 1974 models drastically reduced for immediate sale. 8023Djxie Jgwy, 935-5562. SALE, Used bikes 1974 Demos.

VISTA KAWASAKI 2 locations Louisville, Ky. 459-3050 JWadispnvjMe, Ky. 82J-95n SUZUKI OF LOUISVILLE 4387 Poplar Level Rd. 459-6840 HARLEY Chopper 1950 Pan-head, iockey shift, $1000 425- 2g3. 2457262iJackJ HONDA, 350, 1973 4 Cylinder, perfecLMake LSI NOR "CR" 125, 1974 stock; A-l.

Sacrifice. 425-4552. Motors, Tires, o4 Parts and Service ACCESSORIES 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10 Inch WIDE WHEELS IN STOCK SS CRAGARS ROCKET STAGE I APPLIANCE $129.95 Set of 4 (14x6) HIJACKERS (Set of 2) shocks Load leveling air adiustabie $34.95 Gabriel Hijackers 140 PSI Monroe Max 160XPSI Hurst Super Shock U5-PSI HURST Shifters FOUR SPEED COMPETITION (with installation kit S39 95) HURST 3 spesd shifters (with installation kit $19.95) FIND BIG FOOT FAST, paoe 86, yellow pages MAGER'S SPEED SHOP 636-2861 Loipn nnd LoulsviMe ACCESSORIES SAVE YEAR END INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE BIG SAVINGS ON ALL MERCHANDISE REDD'S AU10 PARIS Shelby Broadway 587 1315 Open Mon Sat 9am-9pm ENGINE, 454, 400 h.P., rebuilt, 'ike new; extras. 452-2635. ENGINES installed, 2 day seK vice, free pickup.

Baird's Auto Pirts, 3M-2629. HARD TOP for 1967 Datsun, good shape, reasonable. 893-7476. REBUILT starters, generators, aliernators, most U.S. cars, $12.95 to $15.95.

Poplar Level Auto Parts, 969-1149. SNOW TIRES, used $3.95 take pick, ENGINE 350 CHEVROLET, $250, Pontiac 450 WOOD BOXES good for toys with lid $2.95 each. Dixie Auto Parts 448-1330 SNOW tires, 2 on wheels, 775x 14. Call 228-1326. STEREO, AM-FM tor late Ford products with sneakers, Expert installation, like new.

363-5795. TIRES, snow tire sale now going on; also 4 ply Poly regular. Twin Sl'rte Tire 7017 Grade 368-9595. TIRES, used truck, passenger, any size. We buy used fires.

TRI CITY TIRE SALES 1036 Story Ave. 587-6065. TIRES "Goooyear AL'S DISCOUNT TIRES 8501 Preston TIRES, new recaps and used, truck and passenger, $4 up. Ray's Tire Service 583-53H CHEVROLET, 327, completely rebuilt, 5trcefable, 400 plus h.p never used, since rebuilt. Over invested, will sell for $450.

Gene Windell, Mill-town, Ind.8l2-633:48C0. ACCESSORIES pairs. PIT STOP Self service garage. Open 7 days ver-k, 9 a.m. I a.m., 361-3533, 4147 Preston.

Hgwy. 7aVkf's "maciiTnr auto" SERVICE Specializing in Corvettes. Care of Jim Hannan Olds 900 S. 4th In stock 20'o off resale price with this ad. CARTER'S AUTO PARTS J8'3 Oaklawn 963-3306 1966" FairTane "body, C-6, parting out good and rebuilt parts.

239-1102. CUSTOM interior (or 19:5 Chevrolet hardtop, comDlete, 964-6796. Wanted: Autos, 53 Trucks, Trailers JUNK AND WRECKED LARS WANTED We pay $25 and up for any complete car. Clean up vour yard today. Call 584- I 777 cr SR-BV'.

I WE BUY compacts, foreign and spe'' cars. Highest c.ish paid. I DOUBLEMONT DATSUN 9409 Dixie Hgwy. 935 3332 We Irade CASH for Cars cp DOL 1 ARS Lite model JIM BOOHER CHEVROLET 4'S Shrlb'ville Rd IV 5 S-I8! JUr'K AND WRECKED CARS BOUGHT. We pay $25 and up for any complete car.

YOU CALL, WC HAUL. 584-8365. 4144 BARDSTOWN ROAD Instant cash for the clean ones. See Charlie. BOB HQPK C'-IEVY CFNTFR WAN 1 ED.

wrecked or iu'nken cars. Pay tl8 if complete. We in266 i'7''4 WE BUY USED CARS RIGGS MOTORS 530 E. Broadway 589-5370 Help Wanted 36 ACCOUNTANT; SUPERVISOR Supervisp 10 in dli afMj of qrtnnrM accounting. Assist ron-trnMfr in panning and 'lo wine mq.

xrf Urn opportunity to advance. For interviPvv Coll Harry Heater; 897-5347 nity employer. COMPUTER operator. 3rd shift opening for experienced person. 4 day week.

Call Employment manager, Norton-Children's Hoso.tals. 589-8710. An Equal op rtunitv Employer. COMPUTER Operator: $15 plus 10co night differential. At least one year experience on I BAA 360-40 or IBM 370-145.

C-M Personnel 589 4600 CONVALESCENT sitters, 10 needed immediately, top pay. have own car. We Sit Better Employment Service. 583-7928 COOK, 2540 years of age, liv in, to prepare meals for 16. Hospital insurance, and retire-m program.

Call Boys' a ven, 450-1 171. COOK Wanted, small operation, excellent working conditions, no Sunday work, apply in person, 803 Dining Room, 800 S. 4th St. COOK, female, day shift, no Sat. and Sun.

Apply in person, Beechmont Restaurant, 317 W. Woodlawn. COOK, breakfast, experienced, Fnsch's, 2806 Taylorsville Rd. COOK'S helper, experienced." Call tor appointment, Mr. Bob Davenport, 459-8480.

COSMETICS, help wanted, full and part time, complete free training course, earn while you learn, fantastic income. For de. tails, 968-3289. The House of De. siree COUNTER HELP; over 21.

Permanent employment, good salary with attractive benefits. Apply in person before 10 and after 2. KINGFISH RESTAURANTS 144 N. 6th St. COUNTER help, 7-3, 3-11 an3 11-7.

Experienced. Apply after 4 p.m. Catherine's Eat Shop, 1500 W. Broadway, 583-9352. CREDIT MANAGER, local firm experienced partly in con.

struction acciunts, excellent opportunity with salary and earnings commensurate with ability. Send resume to P.O. Box 18347, Louisville, Ky. 40218. CUSTOMER Service, $655 start! Will trainl Call Nowl 877-6581 REPUBLIC Personnel CUSTOMER Service $650 People-oriented! Rewarding! Ann Hudson Personnel 897-9435 DAN CE DANCERS MANAGER TRAINEES Good Starting Salary WE WILL TRAIN YOU! Willing to relocate, if desired.

Also we have manager iobs available in which we train Vou. CAN YOU QUALIFY? Apply at HIPHUGGER-CLASSIC CAT 6112 Preston Hswy. Louisville, Ky. 40219. FOR SUPER GO GO ACTION Entertainment Concepts, Inc.

YOUR KIND OF CLUB FUN AND EXCITEMENT. DANCERS, age 21 or over. BEGIN WORKING NOW! co*ckTAIL WAITRESSES Barmaids, Bar girls, etc. experience not necessary, will train, this is Louisville's newest and most unique NIGHT CLUB. South End.

Best salary plus bonuses. The BRASS JackASS. 363-9266 or4B-55 "DANCERS, age 21 or over. START WORK TONIGHT co*cktail waitresses or bargirls. Full or part-time.

Need no experience. Will train. Top Salary plus bonuses. 637-9125, 361-5632. DANCERS and waitresses, too" salary plus bonus, start earning lop dollars immediately this year, no experience necessary, must be attractive and personable.

Call 456 6058, between 12 and 4 or apply in person at Sen Den ast, 2116 Bardstown Rd. DANCERS, waitresses and masseuses, no experience necessary. We train. Good salary plus commission. Under new management.

Apply in person at 432 W. Chestnut St. Sissy's Massage Parlor. DANCERS, top salary. Corns prepared to work.

Domino Lounge, 2822 S. 7th 437-9106. DAY CARE Teacher in Shively Nursery, experienced, 448-6313. DELICATESSEN Clerk. Pleasure Ridae Park Area.

Some experience necessary. Call 447- 9440. 9 fo 4, DELIVERY Man, own car, over 21, part time, Sat. 9 to 2, apply in person Sherman Druas, 1736 W. a et.

DENTAL, executive secretary and bookkeeper, experienced, good salary. Write qualifications to Dr. W. J. Simon, 762 Medical Towers Souths DENTAL Assistant and receptionist.

Hikes Point area. Send resume in own handwriting to R777. C.J. and Times. DESIGNER Pipe; 16,000 range.

Experience in Petro chemical, distillery, or related design work. Capable of leader spot. FEE PAID. 583-1751. ACCRE-D I CITY.

"DISHWASHER, part time, start immediately. Sandy's Restaurant, 5055 Poplar Level Rd. 969-A502. DISTRIBUTION Manager for local division of large national foods company. Must have experience in warehousing, shipping, including pool distribution of less than truck load shipments and cost reduction in the distribution function, experience in grocery, candy or bakery field and fleet operation preferred but not essential.

Mr. Maloney, Mothers Cookie Co. 2287 Ralph Louisville Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTSMAN with experience in civil and, or electrical drafting. G. Reynolds Watkins Consulting Engineers, 456-6188.

DRAFTSMAN; Design, $9600 to 5 years experience, college preferred. FEE PAID. 563-1751. ACCREDIT PERSONNEL RIVER CITY, DRAFTSMAN Structural or Architectural, to do precast concrete detailing and estimating. Truss Con 923-8887.

DRIVER and Assistant for delivery and set up. Excellent opportunity for advnce-ment Experience required. Write K118 care CJjTimes "DRUG Clerk, 40 "hours, some mghts, good opportunity for neat and personable female, ex perience preferred, must be Apply in person Stern-Strath-I moor Drugs, 2700 Taylorsvills og I "tL EC RONICS Techni oan, i S4 33 start! Salary Potential! B'7 6581 REPJJBLIC PersonneJ ENGINEER; design, to 16K. Minimum 3 years experience in industrial steel structure design. Plus BSCE.

FEE PAID. I 5P3 1751, ACCREDIT PERSONNEL RIVER CITY. I ENGINEERS, $15,000 to $30,000 1 PA Recrnitprs. 4'M-4251. ESTIMATOR Salesman, for re-' modeling, must be able to fg-! ure costs, and write specifica-; tions.

compensation open, Ao-i ply Domestic: Const. Co. 231 W. Market St. 587-6949.

EXECUTIVE "secretary, diate opening, requires accu-I rate and excellent typing plus accomplished shorthand- 40 i hric week, month, i Leave name, phone no. and I Pualifirations at 459 301. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY park free! Accurate skills. swu up cK'penaina on anility. Joy Hart 585-581 312 S.

4th SNELLING PERSONNEL FASHION Trainee, salary plus bonuses! Great location! Call! REPUBLIC Personnel FILE CLE WiTHr'airi. 'then promote. BUSINESS (personnel) i FINANCE Reoresentative, $650 i uo! Immediate Nedt REPUBLIC Personnel 1 FINANCIAL COUNSELOR- If you could use $142.31 to $247 50 wer'k. part time. call now for appoint.

ment 456 6260. FOOD WRAPPERS and General kitchen work. Night and day work available. Profit sharing and hospitalization, paid vac actions. Apply 2 m.

KINGFISH RESTAURANT 144 N. 6th St. 6 SERVTCE SUPERS VISOR. Hospital, kitchen, 2-4 years experience. Kentucky Baptist Hospital, Personnel rn 8iQ Barrett Ave.

FOREMAN $200 Mechanical ap" t'tudfi Liberal benefits! Ann Hudson Personnel i ceivables; top benefits. 583-1638 I BUSINESS GIRLS (Personnel) I ACCOUNTING Clerk $450 Fee I Paid! National firm! i Ann Hudson Personnel 897-9435 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1 FEE PAID TO 475 1 Previous experience needed for i this top company. advancement, top benefits OFFICE MATES 5 I A Management Recruiters Div. i 510 Watterson Towers 4S6 4JJO ACCOUNTANTS, $7000 $25,000 APA Recruiters. 6253.

AGENTS; to 426- AVON has A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION YOU'LL LOVE I Resolve to get out from under. Meet people, sell quality products parttime on your own time. I'll show you how. a lj587-7334. AGENTS, added income.

Wat-kins Home Shopping Service Center has several qood open- nqs right now. Call 585-3434. AIRLINE Ticket or Travel Agent experienced, Frankfort Airport. Position begins immediately, service to Frankfort begins Feb. 3, Call Janice Mitchell, Air Kentucky Airlines, 1-800-482-1970.

ASSISTANT Manager, Office Lounge, good salary, excellent opportunity for future management in night club field, prefer person 21-26 years old, and local high school graduate. Leave name, phone no. and Qualifications by calling 459- 3100. AUTO Service Advisers for Volkswagen dealership. Good technical background needed.

Good opportunity. Write 217 care of CJ-Times. AUTO mechanics for Volkswagen, skilled only. Need work? I have it. Write 146 care of CJ-Times.

AUTO Mechanic, $650 plus bo- nuses! Immediate Need! 897-6581 REPUBLIC Personnel I Automobile used car clean I up dept. experienced only nepd I apply, lob references are re- quired. See John Wilhelmi after i 10:30 am. WILHbLVII'a DOUGLAS AMERICAN 2431 Bardstown Rd. BARBER, busy shopping center, 935-1539, 937-9234.

BABY SITTER, live in; East End; 3 children; 2 in school; mature; responsible; references. Write T434 care C.J.-Times. BABY Sitter to take'eare of 3 children. More for home than wages. Prefer middleaged.

Call 968-7924; after 3:30 969-7541. BABY Sitter; housekeeper, live-in, car needed, able to care for 2 children and run household, $35. 895-2287. BABY Sitter, housekeeper, live-in, mature, responsible, refer- encesxsala ry0PerK36J21 42. BARMAIDS; 21 and over; sala-ry plus tips and 1 meal.

Jo-Lynn's Pub, 1511 Hickory, ask ior Joe staples. "BARTENDER, Part time, Experienced. Mixed drinks and beer. 922-4713. BEAUTICIANS, dr-pendable, guarantee; paid vacation; commission open; following preferred; Hikes Point area.

452-9524. I BILLING Clerk, must be good typist, good with figures, telephone sales, general office, ex perienced, hours 8-5, 5 days. Write P.O. box 17044, 40217. BLOOD Donors needed.

Cash paid for your time at the time of vour donation. INTERSTATE BLOOD BANK 408 W. Market St, Mon. through Fri. 8 to 5:30 Saturdays 8 to 12:00 BLOOD Plasma Donors needed.

Cash peid for vour time at the time of your donation. UNIVERSAL PLASMA COMPONENTS 630 E. Broadway BLOOD DONORS needed, CASH paid, Blood Donor Center, 518 5th. St. Mon.

-Fri. 8 to 5:30. BODYMAN combination, with own hand tools, profit sharing, holidays, insurance, see George Armour, PERKINS MOTOR INC. 2105 Dixie Hgwy. BOILER ROOM Maintenance Man Assistant Operator Experienced in Maintenance and Operation of coal and gas fired steam boilers and auxiliaries.

Now Improved Starting Rates. PERMANENT POSITIONS Mr. Givan or Mr. Terkildsen 584-4413 or 584-7795 BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT Degree not necessary. Must be experienced through corporate tax returns.

Experience with computers will be helpful. Great working conditions and many fringe benefits. In Clarksville area. Send complete resume with salary requirements to; M326, Care CJ-Times. BOOKKEEPER FEE PAID TO $540 Take charge and work on own in this congenial office.

Excellent location, Free Parking. OFFICE MATES-5 A Management Recruiters Div. 510 Watterson Tower 456-4330 BOOKKEEPER. Permanent full time, local firm. Experienced and full charge bookkeeping and payroll.

Replies will be held in strictest confidence. Excellent salary. Write T430 care CJ-Times. "BOOKKEEPER TRAINEE. 3 7 5 month.

General office duties, light typing and filing. Will train with good education. 5B3-9753 PROGRESS PERSONNEL. BOOKKEEPER; experienced, 4 dav week, small St. Matthews I bus'ness, $2.50 an hour.

Write I H536 care C.J.-Times. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, for small office, start at $503 per month. Send resume. Write O930 care CJ -Times. BUYER; soft goods, ready to wear; qood future in progressive wholesale firm; 5 dav week; benefits.

Reply P.O. Box 1 082, 4070 1, CARPENTER, ali around carpenter, own transportation, steady. Call between 6 and 8 m. onlv. 969 4830.

CASHIER. Honest, male or female, handicapped O.K. Night work. Liquor store, west end. Full or part time.

Good references an abosolute must, experience not necessary. Slate whether you have handled other peoples' money. Write 0'26 care CJ-Times. CLERICAL Need additional income? Work part-time. NO FEE.

All oilice sk lis needed. Interviews daily, 1 2 4 0 Commonwealth Bidg Thurs. only 10 3, 2460 Bardstown Rd. VICTOR TEMPORARIES 534-7175 1240 Commonweallh Bldg. I CLERK; general office.

Mature 1 person tor interesting ana ai-1 versified office duties. Accurate witn figures. Accounting and-or bookkeeping background desr- ed. Excellent starting salary, oil emplcyce benefits. Apply Ben Snyder, .22 Market St.

cXTR r'PIST. nroactj To work mr 1 month in East End. Met have experience fnsur- unce Good salary and location. AMERICAN TEMPORARIES 1 SERVICES :999 Breckinridnp Ln. 697 syl CLERK," CitV sales, age over 2d; process mail and phonp 1 orders.

No solicitation; prefer experience in variety or 5c 10c merchandise; 5 day wek I in wholesale firm. Start $-120 1 month. Apply 1031 W.Main St. I CLE TVPIST. To $450 month.

Tvne 50 words per min ute. Greet the public. Front dpsk iob. 583-9753 PROGRESS PERSONNEL "ClEkK ivp.t, To ioW, opportunity for person qood tvpinq sk Mis. PAiDM Sanford Personnel K-TYPIST, $433.

Eee Fata 0001 typing (H, too firm 5 8 3-1 638 BUSINESS 'personf ei CLEKK s'rre Boo Keening. 3-4 days wek, reif-t nces, over 25. f-iart Qruos, Cecil Ayr. COLLECTION Expert; no outside work dO hour, benefits. Good opDorijpjtvJ8j.j6iO., COMPANION for good home.

State age, health, and references Prefer woman who 'works days and home most mghts. Transportation necessary Wnte Box U702 care cf C. J. Times. Want Ads Work 1972 LTD 2-door, o.r.

steering, brakes, white ide-wall $2318 1973 TORINO 4-door, air, steering, brakes, roof steel belted tires $2580 1971 tTD 2-door, air, steering, brakes, roof, AM radio $1899 1970 lTD 4-door, air, steering, brakes, finger-tip cruise $1461 1970 CADIUAC Eldorado, fully factory equipped with AM stereo $2111 The Ford Store Summer-Herrmonn Ford 3rd 4 8rckinridge5E9-3750 ROTARY 1973 NOVA, 2 door, 6 cylinder, radial fires, 19,000 actual miles 2195 1969 THUNDERBIRD, well cared for, vinyl 1 1 top, extra sharp. I IJu 1971 MGB, GT. wire wheels, 4 SOOQC speed, AM ZZuu cublsQNT MAZM Broadway At Fifth 585-5833 SEASONS GREETINGS We are open for 1he late shopper 87 UNIT STOCK FAIRLY PRICED EASY TERMS YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE INTEREST US MORE THAN PAST ISSUES. MOTORS 61 5 through 633 Broadway I between Hanco*ck-Clay) 583-4593 Almost Anytime LEASE NEW 1974 Honda Civic, 24 mos at $84 91 New 1975 Vega Notchback 24 mos. at S88.59 Includes all taxes, license.

OPEN END' LEASE call JACK McLARNEY 448 2820 Kh ioi rfiaublEMGNT CHEVROLET 5340 Dixie Hgwy. IT'S TRUE! Are vou having trouble because of slow credit or bankruptcy, with a reasonable down payment and a steady iob, we will have vou ridinq today. On the spot financing, we give a guarantee in writing. Phone 587-0555, call Ebbie. Security Motors 61 0E oa wa BILL COLLINS FORD 3610 Buechel Bypass 459-9550 CAN FiNANfCE FULL PRiCT" 1968 Plymouth $399 1967 Ford 6, automatic $399 1965 Pontiac, sharp $399 1965 Dodge wagon $299 1964 Chevelle wagon $349 1963 Buick, Snecial $199 CONSOLIDATED AUTO SALES 4616 Preston Hgwy.

367-1764 LARGEST volume Ford dealer in Southern Indiana offers largest selection of new and used cars and trucks. JIM O'NEAL FORD Sellersburg. Ind CHEAPIES $100 AND UP LAPPIN MOTORS 3618-3620 7th 166-7653 HAPPY NEW YEAR HAROLD'S AUTO SALES 7301 GradeLn. 361346 BURT Wyland Pontiac Cadillac. Good new and used Cars.

Hgwy. 131, Clarksville. 287-7501 BOB SMITH CHEVROLET 2500 Broadway 776-1566 OTD Anfiques. JL I Custom Builts CHEVROLET 1955 2 door hardtop 350, 4 speed, Cragars, Custom interior. Call Kevin.

JIM HANNAN OLDS 4th 8. Breckinridge 583-3681 CHEVROLET 1939 pickup, in runninq condition, $450 or best offfer. 1-S28-3849. PLYMOUTH, 1968 GTX, Hs-A strictly strip, 440 engine, new. B8.M transmission, $1500.

Call 459-5581. r-r Imports and 4tV Sports Cars AUDI, 974 DEMOS Available now at last January prices LESS Demo discount. A luxury car at about 24 miles per gallon. TOOLS, maroon, air, radio. 100LS, blue, automatic, air 100LS, beige, automatic, radio.

FOX, blue, automatic, air. DON CORLETT PORSCHE AUDI 741 S. 3rd 589-9126 AUDI 1972 Automalic, 100LS, power steering, power brakes, air conditioned, extra sharp $3295. BLUE GRASS LINCOLN MERCURY 4301 Shelbyville Rd. 895-4231 AUDI, 1971, 100LS, 4 door, radio, air, Michelin radials, 46,000 miles, immaculate.

5 p.m. CAPRI 1973, bronze, beige interior, radio, 4 speed transmission, low miles. Call Gary Raper NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN 4926 Hgwy CORVETTE 1973, "white, power steering, air, automatic, J54C0. E-TOWN PERFORMANCE CENTER, 502-769-1827. CORVETTE, 1969, T-Top, 4 specci, red, DIAMOND AUTO SLES 2fl Charlestown Mew Albany, 943-9 2 21.

CORVETTE, 15 of them 1975 to 1956 at reduced winter prices. MCMAK I MOTORS 937-1045 CORVETTE air; power steering, brakes; T-top; 3 SO HP; $5895. 964-8355 CORVETTE 1973 top, sharp, 1 owner, 22B-J394. CORVETTE, 1974 convertible, days 4172505, nights 4597519. DATSUN 1972, 510 4 door, radio, heater, automatic, like ST95 WARREN PROCTOR DATSUN I 1231 Shelby 636-33(1 DATSUN 1971, 510 4 door, auto-ma ic, air conditioned, WARREN PROCTOR DATSUN Shelby 636-3 VT DATSUN 1972, pickup, radio.

heater, 4 speed, green, WARREN PROCTOR DATSUN 1231 SShelby 636-3 3 21 FIAT, 1972, 850, new" paint, rhitch, radio, 29,000 miles, 368- FlATT972, 124 Special, am-fm, custom wheels, automatic, good condition, 288-7888 after 6 p.m. i0" Dixie Hgwy. 448-1661 FORD 1973 Galaxie 500, 4 door V8 Cruisomatic transmission, AWFM stereo, power plus factory air conditioning, beautiful brown finish with matchina interior, special S1795. SAM POTTINGER At CX. MOOR 426 2500 FORD 1973 LTD Squire wagon, 10 passenger, air conditioned, $2995.

BLUE GRASS LINCOLN MERCURY 4301 Shelbyville Rd. 895-4231 C.iD 1967 Galaxie 2 dooT hardtop, beige with custom interior, automatic transmission, power steering, AM radio; dependable 2nd car for only $695. ArV.C EAST J107 Shelbyville Rd. 426-1200 FORD 1964 Club Vanf 6 cylin. tier, staniard transmission, extra sharp for older model, must see.

SAM POTTINGER At OXYOOR 426 2500 Hukd 1971, Custom, 4 uoor Sedan, automatic, power steering, nice family car. DOUBLE MONT DATSUN 9J09 Dixie Hgwy. 935-3332 "FOPD 1957, ONLY S395. Runs great, extra clean. YLAR S6KVK.K WARRANTY CIRCUS AUTO SALES 3'd t.

Kentucky 594-5237. FORD, 1966, Country Squire" station wagon, already financed, low payments, b'ance on SCO door $83. JEFF HARVEY SALES .7112 S.Jth 634 39S9 FORD, 1970, LTD, sharp, already financed. Low payments. 1 behind.

Balance only $936.13. "FORD "1970, Country Sedan, S750. JEFF HARVEY SALES 78' 2 S. 7th 634-3939 FORD 1973 Galaxie 00, excellent condition. Value-conscious buy.

First reasonable takes. 969-7787 after 4 p.m. hULl lv75 Elite, equipped. To settle estate. $5400 firm.

138 448-54U3, FORD 1969 LTD. good condition. All the goodies. First reasonable takes.969.7787 alter 4, FORD 1965, 6 cylinder, 4 door, needs new clutch. 876-8 04.

FORD ranch wagon, 8, automatic, 1963. S275. 448-4741. FORD Galaxie 1972, air power, 4 doir SI 595. FORD 1967, custom, automatic, air, Al.

$595, 447-9578. "GRAND PRIX 1973. The Top of the Line, with only 23,000 certified miles; you owe it to yourself to see what we call one like new at S3990. KOSTER SWOPE BU1CK 3700 FRANKFORT AVE. 895 2457 GRAND AM 1973.

2 door, bucket seats, console, rallcy wheels, many extras, sale price $3495. COOKE PONTIAC 809 So. 5th 5B9-2040 GRAN PRIX 1969, SHARP, $1295. BARNEY'S 3S01 S. 7th 367-1735 "GREMLIN 1973, AMC, blue in coor, factory air, radio, wnitE-wall tires, low miles, call or 6C3 Tom Stennetl.

NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN 4926 Dixie Hgwy 448-66M IfV.PEKlAL 193 Le Barcn 4 tioor hardtop. A local one owner with less than 000 ec-1ul mMos, It's equipped with iust about every extra vou could think of or could want on true luxury automobile. Come see, drive and comoare with anyone in the city. Only $4195. After small down or equity your present car your balance can be financed at low brink rates.

Always 75 clean, completely winterized used cars to choose from. PERKINS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 7105 DjieHgwv. 1 MP RIAL, 1973 Le Baron' 4 dco 93.1-4023. JEEPS, new 1974 Close-oul. 2 Pickups, and 1 Wanonear to be sold at reduced prices.

JEEP HEADQUARTERS HAUSMAN MOTOR CO. 909 East Market 585-5187 LINCOLN, 1972, Mark IV, Want a new one see this. Dark Blue, Blue leather and all accessories, 36,150 miles. Now $4985 Also 1974 Work IV. Brown Bros.

917 W. Broadway "2 Block Sears Pill 5R3-e6 87J19al L.NCDLN 1972 IV, all power, windows, cruise, seats, AM-FAA stereo, like new. $4895. iUMNLK BROS. Across from J-Town Shopping Center in 454-0174 "LINCOLN Continental, Town car, 1973, with options including sun roof, will sacrifice for S4950.

945-8149 or 914-3825. "LINCOLN, 1972 Mark IV, Lvried with extras. Wdi wholesale for S4385 968 2254; 239-Vil. 1973 Mark IV" Ex-ceilrrnt condition. $5,550.

"MAVERICK Grabber, 197? 6 cylinder 2 door automatic, air, snow tires, original owner. 267- after 3, MAVERICK, 1972 V8 automatic, 32,000 miles, S21O0. 245- 3330. "MERCURY 1970 Monterey sedan, bronze finish, white vinyl ton, nicely enuipped, extra clean, special, $1195. DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN 3718 Rardstown Rd.

459-44-14 "1969" Brougham sedan, hardtop, nicely equipped factory air, AM-FM stereo, super sharp, S995. DON CORLETT VOLKSWAGEN 3718 Bardstown Rd. 459-4444 "MERCURY Montr-go 1969, low m-loage; good condition; new tires: only S695 585-3839. Ask for MrBland. "MERCURY, 193 Marciu Brougham.

4-door hardtop, all power, 23. (WD miles. CARLO 1973, only miles by one carrful owner, this one is too nice to describe, vou must sre at S3550. Yes, it rires have lots of equipment, in-cludino air. KOSTER SWOPF.

BUICX 3700 FRANKFORT AVE. 895 2457 "MONTE CARLO, 1972, bronze Willi complimenting vinyl ton. all the extras, Save $iS at our big year end sale. WILHKLMI'S DOUGLAS AMERICAN 2101 Rardstown Rd. MONTE CARLO 1973, Landau, all power, air, AM-FM sierco, $1600.

267-0393. "MUSTANG 1974. Hatchback, wh-tewall L-rrwn in color, low miles, cail or see Beckman. NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN tfy ixieHqwy. J8; Mi'S'TANG 1972, small V8, automatic, power steennq, rower air, miies, it's white and sharp.

S2595 BYERLY FORD 4041 Dixie Hnwv 448 1661 vs. beautiful pr'-en tinr.h black vinyl top, sale price 3695. Credit terms. FOURTH STREET AUTO sloo Preston at Gilrnore Lane MUSTANG 19(8 6 cylinder, low milca-jp, S9r0. AUTO S'vLES Bardstown Rd.

459 8250 "MUSTANG 1971, V8, automatic, air, power, 1575 JEFF HARVEY SLES 631-3989 MUS TA 1966; 1 ovniw; rower steprinq; air; 289-V3; excellent; S750 firm. "NOVA "1974; rxfra clean, low mileage, bronze, 2 door hard-ton, custom interior anvfm tare, Craners, air shocks, 4 sreed, tach. Make Offer. 241-6223 after 5. automatic, trans- SlCfl portation I JU 1971 CHEVELLE Coupe, automat- SlCCfl ic, power I 0 JU 1968 CADILLAC, power, air, vinyl 250 1968 CADILLAC, power, air, vinyl QjQ 1967 MUSTANG Hardtop, V8, IC1C priced to sell 0 1970 OLDSMOBILE, F85, 2 SlfjCf) door, air, power.

I Uwu 1967 FIREBIRD, automatic, power SO CO steering 0JU 1968 CHEVROLET 9 passenger wagon, air, SR7C power Uu 1969 BUICK Le- Sabre, hardtop, $1H7K air, power IUJ 1972 CHEVROLET Impala 2 door, air, vinyl JJQ MIDWAY AUTO SALES 2525 Bardstown Road At Taylorsvtile Rd. 459-8250 DODGE 1973, Charger, black 2 door hardtop, white vinyl top, bucket seats, low miles, power, steering, pDwer brakes, air conditioning, one owner $2895. PONTIAC 1971, LeMans, 2 door hardtop, 350 V8, automat-ic, power steering, power brakes, air cond ticning, road wheels, very clean car. PLYMOUTH 1972, Duster, V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, one owner, 20,000 miles, PONTIAC 1972, Grandville, 2 doer hardtop, bronze, vinyl top and interior, power, steering, pewer brakes, air conditioning, one owner SI 995. PLYMOUTH 1973, Custom Suburban 6 passenger, uover steering, power brakes, air conditioning, brge, very clean, one owner, $2395.

MAVERICK 1972, 6 cylinder automatic, green, very nice SI 795. CHRYSLER 1973 Town and Country wanon, 6 Passenger, dual air conditioning, grren, roof rack, power steering, power brakes and windows, a m-f radio, one owner, S3295. BARACUDA 1973, silver, 3d0 Vtf. auion atic, pwer power brakes, air conditioning, i-F stereo, one owner S2995. PONTIAC 1974 LEMANS ShOR i 2 door harotop, bronze with vinyl top and interior, in wer brdkP1-, air conditioning, very nice, $3795.

DATSUN 1974, 260Z, automatic, fur conditioning, one owner, like new condition, $4795. COLONEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH jtl6 ShplPvvillri Rd 897-3151 SWOPE MOTOR CO. INC. 6724 Dixie across from Dixie Manor Shopping Center. For Sale 27 TRADE-INS 197? CHEVROLET Impala Custom Coupe factory cur full power vinyl roof see of only 2295 1971 CHEVROLET Caprice Coupe all factory air vinyl roof see at S1 QQ only 033 1 969 CAMARO Coupe 6 cylinder 3 speed trans mission radio, whitewall tires very clean Stock No 4OA FORD station wagon all powei air conditioning good 2nd car Stock No 2707A Trail 968-6111 THE DEPENDABLES 1974 CHEVROlEI Mahbu Classic Sedan full power air conditioning balance of GM factory wairanty SQ1QQ Stock No 3890 iHOO 1973 CHEVROLET.

Impala 9 passenger wagon full powei on conditioned root carritt Stock No See at 0 only lQ0 1973 CAMARO Z28 4 pod pocr steering beautiful block finish with white stripes richest one in town Stock 3888 No J5IB JIM BOOHER MONTGOMERY CHEVROLET I Come In And fShake Hands 56 Shelbyville Road 895-5481 Preston Hgwy at Indian.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.