Walkthrough for Sally Face Episode Three: The Bologna Incident | Adventure Gamers (2024)









You are playing as Dr Enon. After your last session with Sal, you need to know if he is telling the truth or not, so you visit his old apartment block. Head left, and continue left to the tree. Climb up into the tree house.


Search boxes on the ground - nothing interesting. Look at picture of Larry’s parents on the wall. Look at shelves on the right - just tools and other junk. Look at floor on the right - still nothing interesting. You were really hoping to find something that would support Sal’s story. But just as you are about to leave, the Ghost Of Larry appears. Larry pleads for your help to get Sal out of jail. You faint from the shock, and fall out of the tree house. Sadly, the fall kills you.





You’re playing as Sal again, and you find yourself in… nothingness. Just an empty white room. A voice talks to you, but it’s talking backwards.

“Don’t forget what I told you. Find me in the White Room.”

The Phantom also talks to you, but it’s still so distorted, you can’t make out what he’s saying. Then the Phantom tells you to RUN! Keep running, until you reach the doorway.





You’re on Death Row, and you’re being interviewed by a journalist, Clare Nettles. There’s still a few hours before your trial, so you decide to tell more of your story.





You’re a stick-figure doodled on the page of a notebook. Walk right until you see Mr Dark-Triangle-Head. Try and talk to him, but he’s not very talkative. Walk right again, until you see Mr Light-Triangle-Head. Talk to him, and he tells you about the Wise Prophet. Climb down the ladder.

Talk to Miss Square-Head. She seems rather depressed. Walk left to the next Miss Square-Head. Talk to her, to learn that their ancestors were mauled by the Great Beast. Oh dear! She tells you to seek out the Great Oracle. Continue left to the Monster. Talk to the Monster, who’s not in a very good mood. Walk left a few steps, then climb down the ladder.

Talk to the Old Man. He gives you a dire warning about the sun burning out. Walk right until you see the paper decoration. Interact with it, and you find the Prophet. Talk with her to learn more about the Great Beast. She teleports you to the next page.

Walk right, until you see the torn hole in the page.





You wake up in your school classroom. You must have dozed off. The teacher, Mrs Packerton, is talking to you.


The class lesson is over, and you are out in the hall. Another student, Travis Phelps, starts bullying you. Your friend Ash defends you, but Travis punches you anyway. Ouch!


The next day is Bologna Day in the cafeteria. Bologna is an American lunch meat, that’s known as Polony in the UK. Everyone (except Chug) is complaining that the lunch meat tastes strange. Ash, and Todd decide to take the lunch meat to the science lab to test it, to see if it‘s gone off. You and Larry want to get more information about the lunch meat.

Talk to Maple & Chug - they have no complaints about the lunch meat. Walk right a few steps, and talk to Travis. Travis seems happy with the lunch meat. Walk right a few steps, and talk to Kim The Lunch Lady. She’s not very helpful. When you’re ready, leave the cafeteria, and go out into the hall.


Walk left, and talk to Larry. He’s standing outside the Teacher’s Lounge, and he’s waiting for the right moment to sneak in, so he can find the file on Kim The Lunch Lady. Now Exit the hall, and go outside to the Courtyard.


Walk left a few steps, and notice the TENNIS BALL stuck in the tree. Interact with the (unmarked) tree a few times, until the TENNIS BALL falls to the ground. Pick up the TENNIS BALL. Walk right, until you see the window. Look at the window - this is the window of the Teacher’s Lounge. Remember that Larry is trying to sneak into that room? Throw TENNIS BALL at the window. Now enter through the door next to the window, so you‘re back in the Hall again.


Talk to Larry. Your distraction worked - he was able to sneak into the Lounge, and see the files for Kim The Lunch Lady. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to get a very good look at the file, so you need to come up with another plan. Walk right a few steps, and enter the boy’s room.


Open all 3 stalls. Nothing here. Just leave the boy’s room.


Walk right to the lockers. Open your own locker. Look at your text books, look at your backpack, look at the picture of you and your friends, and look at your locker itself to get the tip about paperclips. When you’re ready, close your locker.

Walk right a few steps, and enter Classroom 104, Mrs Packerton’s room.


Walk right a few steps, and notice the (unmarked) PAPERCLIP on the floor. Pick up the PAPERCLIP. That’s all you can do here, so leave the classroom.


Walk left a few steps, back to the lockers. Interact with lockers. Since you have the PAPERCLIP, you can automatically pick open a locker. Larry’s locker is the first locker you open. Look at Larry’s backpack, look at Larry’s art stuff, look at Larry’s white painting, look at Larry’s drawing from Ash. Now select the ‘Lockers’ tab, and open Todd’s Locker.

Look at Todd’s supplies for his inventions, look at Todd’s potato light, look at Todd’s text books, look at Todd’s photo of Todd & Neil. Now select the ‘Lockers’ tab, and open Ash’s Locker.

Look at Ash’s stuffed dolls, look at Ash’s art supplies, look at Ash’s CAMERA. Take the CAMERA (don’t you feel bad for snooping in your friend’s lockers, and stealing from them???). Look at Ash’s photos of her and Larry, look at Ash’s photo of her and you.

That’s all you can do with the lockers, so close the lockers, and exit.

Head right, then walk up into Hall 2.


Walk right a few steps, and enter Room 201, the Science Lab.


Take STICKY TACK from counter on the left. Walk right a few steps, talk to Todd, and work through all the dialogue. When you’re ready, leave the Science Lab.


Walk right, until you see Ash. Talk to Ash. She tells you that she tried to pick the lock on the Janitor’s Cupboard, but her hairpin broke, and is stuck in the lock. Talk to her again, and give her your STICKY TACK, to help her get the pin out of the lock. She gets what she needs from the cupboard, then she heads back to the Science Lab. Now Exit the hall, and go out into the courtyard.


Walk right a few steps, and enter the door next to the window, so you’re back in Hall 1.


Talk to Larry, and give him Ash’s CAMERA, so he can take a photo of the files for Kim The Lunch Lady. He just needs another distraction, so he can sneak back into the Teacher’s Lounge. Exit the hall, and go out into the courtyard.


Walk right a few steps to the window. Throw your TENNIS BALL at the window. Now walk left a few steps, and enter through door next to the window, so you’re back in the hall.


Talk to Larry. He successfully took a PHOTO OF KIM’S FILE, and he gives it to you. Notice that Kim likes to feed the birds in the courtyard. That gives you an idea.

Exit the hall, and go out into the courtyard.


Walk right to the tree with the birds in it. Use CAMERA with the birds. You’re now looking through the lens of the camera. Scroll around until you see the bird, then press ‘R’ to take PHOTO OF BIRD. Now walk left a few steps, and enter through door next to the window, so you’re back in the hall.


Walk right a few steps, and enter the cafeteria.


Talk to Kim The Lunch Lady, and give her PHOTO OF BIRD. Now you’ve sweetened her up, you ask her where the lunch meat came from - apparently Mrs Packerton makes it at her farm, and bring it into the school every week. Kim gives you some BOLOGNA as a ‘thank you’ for the bird photo. Now leave the cafeteria through either door.


Enter the Boy’s Room, which is near the lockers.


Pick up NOTE from the floor, and read it. It seems to be a love note, from someone unknown, confessing their feelings to someone else unknown. But then… that someone decided to throw the note away. You replace the note back on the floor. Walk right a few steps, and notice that someone is in the last stall. Talk to the stall - it’s Travis. I wonder if it was Travis who wrote that note? Work through all the dialogue with Travis. So it seems that Travis is lashing out at Sally, because his dad is a preacher, and making Travis feel bad about himself. I actually feel kinda bad for Travis now. When conversation is over, leave the Boy’s Room.


Head right, and make your way up to Hall 2.


Enter Room 201, the Science Lab.


Tell your friends that you have the BOLOGNA. You decide to investigate Mrs Packerton, before confronting her about the lunch meat. You and Larry want to check out her classroom, while Ash and Todd do tests on the lunch meat.


Look at the desk - damn, the drawer is locked. You can’t even pick the lock, since it has a combo lock. Notice above the blackboard, is the number for PI. And notice that the first four numbers of PI is 3141. That’s the answer! Look at the desk drawer again, and enter 3141. The drawer opens. There’s a hidden compartment in the drawer. Wow, is Mrs Packerton involved with the occult? Search the hidden compartment - look at little jars, look at bird skull, look at bible, look at bunch of papers, look at STRANGE METAL OBJECT. Take STRANGE METAL OBJECT. You’re transported to the White Room.


The strange voice tries to communicate with you, but it’s so garbled, you can’t understand it. It only lasts for a moment, then you’re back in the classroom with Larry again.


You decide to go and check in with Todd & Ash.


Todd & Ash haven’t found anything odd about the lunch meat, but they still suspect something weird is going on. Ash has to go and babysit her brother, so it’s down to you, Larry, and Todd to continue the investigation.





You, Larry, and Todd are all in the apartment building. Now Todd should be the last person you visit - go and see everyone else first, before entering Todd’s house.

Enter Apartment 102, Mrs Rosenberg’s apartment.


Chat to Mrs Rosenberg. She seems to be contemplating on life, telling you that she’s lost hope long ago. Leave the apartment.


Knock on Apartment 103, Mr Addison’s apartment. Notice the new ‘Addison’s Tea’ sign next to his door. Work through all the dialogue with him. Walk right a few steps to the mail boxes, and pick up the mail. It’s mostly junk, or stuff for your dad, but there’s a strange envelope addressed to you. Use the lift, and go down to the Basem*nt.


Enter Apartment 1B, Larry & Lisa’s apartment.


Walk left into the kitchen, and talk to Lisa. Notice her crutch leaning against the counter. Now talk to Lisa again, and work through all the dialogue. When conversation is over, walk right a few steps, and enter Larry’s room.

Try to play a game on the TV… only to realise that the game is missing. Look at the blank canvas - you draw a doodle face onto the canvas. Play the stereo to hear the Sanity Falls song. When you’re ready, leave Larry’s room.

Walk right a few steps, and look at the flowers in front of Lisa’s room. There’s also a Get Well note from Henry (your dad). That’s sweet of him! When you’re ready, leave the apartment through the green door.


Use the lift, and go up to the 5th Floor.


Enter Apartment 501.


Look at Newspaper 1 that’s pinned to the wall. Look at Newspaper 2 that’s pinned to the wall. Those are some sad stories. Look at Newspaper 3 that’s pinned to the wall. There’s nothing else you can do here, so just leave the apartment.


Enter Apartment 502.


Walk left, and look at the old bird cage on the floor. That’s all you can do in here, so leave the apartment.


Enter Apartment 504.


Enter the bathroom.

In the bathroom, look at Meghan’s (unmarked) necklace. Leave the bathroom.

Walk right a few steps, and look at the (unmarked) spirit board on the floor. Now leave the apartment.


Use the lift, and go down to the 4th Floor.


Enter Apartment 401, Robert’s apartment.


Walk left, and chat to Robert. Now talk to him again, and work through the dialogue. When conversation is over, leave the apartment.


Enter Apartment 402, your apartment.


Walk left into the kitchen, and look at Note on the fridge. Your dad’s been called into work again. It seems he’s been rather busy at work recently. Enter the bathroom.

Look at Gizmo the cat, enjoying a bath, hehe!

Walk right a few steps, and enter your room.

Take SUPER GEAR BOY from your chest of drawers. Take TEA CUP from your chest of drawers. Leave your room.

Enter your dad’s room.

In your dad’s room, pick up photo of mum from under the bed. There’s a note on the back of the photo - it’s a love note from your mum to your dad, when she was pregnant with you. Awww, that’s sweet! You replace the photo. Now leave the room.

Leave the apartment.


Enter Apartment 403.


Mrs Sanderson used to live in this apartment, before she was murdered. Let’s see if we can communicate with here again. Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift), and walk right a few steps. When it glows, activate it (press R). Sadly, her ghost is still trapped here, and not able to cross over to the other side. Another unknown ghost starts talking to her, and she has to leave. Pick up the LETTER that she leaves behind. It’s empty, just like the one you saw down at the letter boxes. That’s all you can do here, so when you’re ready, leave the apartment.


Use the lift, and go back up to the 5th Floor.


Now you’ve got your SUPER GEAR BOY back, let’s see what we can find. Enter Apartment 501.


Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk left a few steps, and when it starts glowing, activate it (press R). You see a letter… but it’s empty. What is going on here? When you’re ready, leave the apartment.


Enter Apartment 504.


Enter the bathroom.

Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk left a few steps, and when it starts glowing, activate it (press R). The ghost of Megan appears. Chat to Megan - she asks about her dad, which is the demon you defeated in the last Episode. Then she leaves, to play Hide & Seek with her mummy. Leave the bathroom.

Leave the apartment.


Use the lift, and go down to the 3rd Floor.


Enter Apartment 302, David’s apartment.


Talk to David. Apparently, he’s having trouble sleeping, since the college students from next door are away, and it’s too peaceful for him. You can’t do anything else here, so just leave the apartment.


Walk right a few steps, and talk to Chug. Work through the dialogue with Chug. When conversation is over, enter Apartment 304.


Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk right into the kitchen, and when SUPER GEAR BOY starts glowing, activate it (press R). You see another empty letter addressed to you. This is VERY strange! When you’re ready, leave the apartment.


Use the lift, and go down to the Ground Floor.


Enter Apartment 102, Mrs Rosenberg’s apartment.


Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk left a few steps, and when it starts glowing, activate it (press R). It reacts strongly to Mrs Rosenberg, and when it’s over, there’s only an envelope left on her chair. Look at the chair to get a final ‘Goodbye’ from Mrs Rosenberg. Pick up the envelope - it’s empty, just like all the other envelops you found. When you’re ready, leave the apartment.


You’ve done everything you can in the apartment block, so let’s go and meet up with Todd now. Use the lift, and go to the 2nd Floor.


Enter Apartment 202, Todd’s apartment.


Aww, Todd’s parents are snuggled up on the settee together. Sweet! Chat to them if you like. Walk right a few steps, and enter Todd’s room.

Remember, you want to break into Mrs Packerton’s apartment, to investigate what she’s done to the lunch meat. Talk to Todd, and tell him you’re ready. Todd has tapped into the security cameras, and he can look footage of the empty hall, until you get back, so that nobody will know what you‘ve been up to.


Enter Apartment 201, Mrs Packerton’s apartment.


You only have one chance at this, before Mrs Packerton gets back, so let’s make it count. Walk left into the kitchen. Look in the freezer to see lots of bologna, along with various other foods. Nothing out of the ordinary. Talk to Larry, who informs you that the fridge has a padlock on it, and he’s having trouble unlocking the padlock. Walk right a few steps, and enter the bathroom.

Look at bathtub on the left. Look at toilet on the right. There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the bathroom.

Larry will tell you when he‘s successfully picked the lock off the fridge. Talk to Larry again, and you automatically look inside the fridge. YUCK! A goat’s head! *shudder* Note that the goat’s head has a tag in it’s ear - 1047.

In the living room, look at huge pack of nappies next to the settee. Try to turn on the radio, but it’s broken. Walk right a few steps, and try to enter Bedroom 1, but it’s locked. Look at clock on the wall, and note that the time is stuck at 3.14. Talk to Larry - he’ll keep trying to pick the Bedroom 2 lock.

Walk left, all the way back to the kitchen. Now use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk to the blood stain on the floor. When your SUPER GEAR BOY starts glowing, activate it (press R). Talk to Ghost Of The Goat. Note that it bleats 1, 2, 1, 2. Creepy! Walk right a few steps, and look at radio under the barn painting. It’s working now. Change the radio station to 104.7 (as per the tag in the goat’s ear). Now look at clock on the wall, and change the time to 12:12 (what the goat bleated). Hey, you unlocked Bedroom 1. Enter Bedroom 1.

In Bedroom 1, you see someone tied to the bed. Could he be Mr Packerton? Look at Newspapers on the wall - they talk about the death of Mr Packerton. So who’s that on the bed, then? Talk to Mr Packerton, but he’s unresponsive. When you’re next to the bed, use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift), and when it glows, activate it (press R). The Ghost Of Mr Packerton pleads for your help to escape from this endless torture. Work through all the dialogue with him. He confirms that Mrs Packerton did this to him. The only way to free him is to unplug the machine. Okay, do the only thing you CAN do. The poor man has suffered long enough, so show some compassion, end his suffering, and unplug the machine. Unfortunately, you hear Mrs Packerton return at this point. Quick, hide behind the dresser. You can hear her coming closer. And just when you think you’re doomed… Ash talks to you! It was Ash entering the apartment, not Mrs Packerton. PHEW!!! After a quick chat with Ash, Larry gives you MRS PACKERTON’S KEYS, which he found under the dresser while you were hiding there. Talk to Mr Packerton, and tell him to Rest In Peace. Now leave the bedroom.

Walk right a few steps, and enter Bedroom 2 - since you have the keys, you can easily unlock the door.

In Bedroom 2, you’re greeted with a gruesome site! Examine the wall with all the Missing Persons posters. Walk right, and look at the incinerator. Now look at the freezer - another combo lock. Look at the blood marks on the wall next to the freezer, and note that some marks are smaller than others. Looking at the small marks, you get the number 1413, so enter that number into the freezer lock. The freezer unlocks. Wow, this is worse than you could have imagined! So the lunch meat that Mrs Packerton has been serving, is made from… human flesh! You’re in over your head, here. But there’s nowhere else you can turn to for help! You and your friends have to deal with this on your own.





You’re interrupted by Clare Nettles, the journalist interviewing you on Death Row. She doesn’t believe any of what you’ve told her. You ask Clare about your friend Todd Morrison, who is in the hospital, but she won’t tell you anything until you finish your Bologna story.





Ash finds a rubbish chute hidden behind the barn painting in the living room. It doesn’t lead outside, because there’s no light down there. She peers in… and then falls down into the chute. You HAVE to find her, and make sure she’s okay.





The voice talks to you again, but you can’t understand it.





You’re back in Mrs Packerton’s apartment, and you now know where the rubbish chute leads to.


You find the door to another apartment next to the Lost & Found shelves. The door is locked, but luckily, you have MRS PACKERTON’S KEYS. You automatically unlock the door, and enter the apartment.


Walk right a few steps, and enter Bedroom 2.

In Bedroom 2, look at the torn carpet. It almost looks like it’s hiding something. You automatically pull back the carpet, revealing a hidden trapdoor. You use MRS PACKERTON’S KEYS to unlock the trapdoor, then the 3 of you head down into the basem*nt.


You find yourself in some kind of creepy ancient dungeon. You decide to split up, so you can search the room better. Walk left a few steps, and have a quick chat with Larry. Continue left, and examine the leather book on the pedestal - it has a bird symbol on the cover. Walk left a few more steps, and pick up the (unmarked) LIGHTBULB from the floor. Look at the nearby (unmarked) candlestick. Open your Inventory, and use LIGHTBULB in the candlestick. Now, while standing next to the candlestick, use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). When it glows, activate it (press R). The candlestick lights up.

Head right, and continue right, until you see another book on a pedestal. Examine this book - it has a goat’s head symbol on the cover. Use your SUPER GEAR BOY (press Shift). Walk right a few steps, and when it starts glowing, activate it (press R). The candlestick lights up. Have a chat with Todd.

The two obelisks at the entrance just got bigger. Pull the lever on the right obelisk once. Pull the lever on the left obelisk twice. The pentagram on the floor will now align. Walk right a few steps, and stand on the switch in the ground - the huge gate will open. However, when you step off again, the gate closes. You ask Todd to stand on the switch, while you and Larry head through the gate to find Ash. You and Larry split up to search the area.

You’re playing as Larry now. Walk left, and enter through door on the left.

Now this place is a huge maze you have to find your way through. Start walking right - there are 3 doors in the corridor. Listen carefully, and at Door 3, you’ll hear a humming noise. Go through the Door 3.

There are 3 doors again, in this corridor. At Door 2, you’ll hear the humming sound. Go through Door 2.

In this corridor, walk left. You’ll hear the humming sound at Door 1. Go through Door 1.

Next corridor. Walk right, and you’ll hear the humming sound at Door 3, so go through Door 3.

You arrive at another huge door with a gate, and you need to figure out how to open the gate. Walk left a few steps, and notice the switches in the ground. Could they be the key? If you number the switches 1-5, going from left to right.

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 1

Finally, the gate opens. Go through the door.

You’re playing as Sal again. Just like Larry, you have to find your way through the maze. Except this time, you have to go through the doors that DON’T make humming sounds. So walk left a few steps, and go through Door 2.

In this corridor, walk left, and go through Door 1.

Next corridor. Walk right, and go through Door 3.

Last corridor. Walk left, and go through Door 1.

Like Larry, you’ve arrived at another huge door with a gate. Walk right a few steps, and examine book on the pedestal. Now you have to figure out how to open the gate. Notice the switches in the ground. Now this is a lot more complicated that Larry’s section. If you number the switches 1-5, going from left to right.

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 1

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 1

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 5

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 2

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 4

Step on switch 3

Step on switch 1

Finally, the gate will open. Go through the door. You meet up with Larry again. Walk to obelisk on the left of the door, and when you’re ready, pull the lever in the obelisk. A weird hex thing pops up from the ground. Interact with it - it glows, and the gate opens. You and Larry automatically walk up through the doorway.

There’s 4 huge piles of bones in this room. Walk left a few steps, and see Ash unconscious in one of the bone piles. You manage to bring her round. She’s a little sore from her fall, but nothing serious, thankfully. Well, you found Ash, so you, Ash, Larry, and Todd, all leave the creepy basem*nt.


You’re back in Apartment 2B. What are you going to do about Mrs Packerton, and the occult? Larry suggests killing Mrs Packerton. Todd agrees. Then Ash begins to come round to the idea.





Clare Nettles interrupts you again. You tell Clare that you didn’t have to kill Mrs Packerton - she was involved in a car accident, and died instantly. Since you’ve told your story, Clare Nettles agrees to air the interview in full, uncut and unedited. The conversation turns to your friendship with Ash. Clare shows you a newspaper, which states that Ash will testify against you in your trial. That news cuts you deep, and you can’t help but shed a tear, before scrunching up the newspaper in disgust. Now Clare tells you about your friend Todd Morrison, who’s in the hospital. Sadly, Todd’s in the psychiatric ward, and has been since that night in the creepy basem*nt. He’s completely unresponsive, and his condition is getting worse. He doesn’t know what’s real, and what’s fantasy anymore. You desperately want to help him.

But Todd’s been infected by the red-eyed demon!!!



This Walkthrough was written by Freaky Hobbit.

Walkthrough for Sally Face Episode Three: The Bologna Incident | Adventure Gamers (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.